CAF Collection Development Policy

CAF utilizes the Conspectus methodology as recommended by the International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions regarding acquisition and collection development.

  1. Selection: As a young organization, CAF’s initial focus will be on the work of architects who have lived and practiced in northeast Ohio. At the point when CAF believes that it has enabled a responsible quantity and quality of archive materials to enter the region’s archive system, CAF will expand its selection to involve significant works here by nonresident architects.

    Photographs and drawings of significant works are CAF’s initial priority. As time and resources permit, CAF hopes to expand its selection to include administrative materials pertaining to the practice of architecture.

  2. Planning: The Chair of the CAF Archive Initiative is responsible to identify prospective contributions and prioritize efforts to allocate resources to facilitate their integration into the region’s repositories.

  3. Collection Evaluation Methods: The Chair of the CAF Archive Initiative is responsible for evaluating prospective contributions and will involve other CAF Board members as appropriate to assure objectivity.

  4. Collection Depth Indicators: Inasmuch as CAF is a young organization, we intend in the future to assess the collection depth of the various repositories of architectural materials in northeast Ohio and collaborate with those repositories on their ability to integrate additional material as well as the type of additional material they are prepared to accept, digitize and render searchable with appropriate metadata attributions.